Phyllobates - the most poisonous animals in the world. Phyllobates is a genus of Poison Dart Frogs which live in woods of Southern and Central America. Difference from other amphibians, Poison Dart Frogs are active only at the day, and at the night they sleep.
As is known, the Bright skin have a dangerous poisonous animals, providing with that safety from predators and caution by the stranger. Poison Dart Frogs and Phyllobates are painted very brightly.
These frogs are very poisonous. They have the most deadly poison. Especially dangerous Golden Poison Frog ( Phyllobates terribilis ) from Venezuela. This Phyllobate is active in the afternoon too and hunts on small insects, spiders and worms.
Poison dart frogs's skin has microscopic glands which shares poison, it is quite enough to kill a jaguar. This poison consists approximately of hundred different substances. It is one of the strongest poisons in the world. It is so dangerous, that scientists should put on thick gloves to take it in hands as poison can get through any cut or even a scratch. Poison has terrible nervously-paralytic action. As a result there is cardiac arrhythmia, which leader to its stop. That poison has worked, it is enough to get to blood through a mucous membrane or scratch on the skin. That is why these frogs nobody risks to touch, except Indians who grease with the frog poison the hunting arrows.
Vaccines against poison Poison Dart Frogs it is not invented. It's not possibility to survive after this poison will get to the organism. Each frog makes enough toxin, and one dose can kill at least 10 persons.
Why they have such strong poison, it is not known till now. Other interesting fact connected with these reptiles, consists that Poison Dart Frogs are not sensitive to the poison. Not clearly and the origin of their toxin. Cases when grown up in bondage, Poison Dart Frogs lost their Poison. Probably, any special diet for toxin maintenance in an organism is necessary to them.
The most effective way of protection is very simple - not to touch these frogs! =)
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