Sunday, March 30, 2008

Swallow's Nest Soup - most rare and exotic dishes in the world

Swallow's Nest Soup
One of the most rare and exotic dishes in the world - the well-known Chinese soup from swallow's nests. For 400 years which have passed from the date of the invention of a dish, it has risen in price in times: the broth from the nest of sea martins-collocalia can cost to gourmets in the 10 thousand dollars.

Swallow's Nest Soup

Swallow's Nest Soup
This is main ingredient of Swallow's Nest Soup

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Levi's 501 - the most rare and expensive jeans

The most rare and expensive jeans - well-known Levi's 501 model of Levi Strauss & Co company. For ancient, sewed 118 years ago jeans (in 1890 Levi Strauss & Co assigned its first lot numbers to its products, and the famous number 501), the collector from Japan has paid 60 thousand dollars to the owner at eBay . The huge sum, if considering, that new jeans of the same model costs only 40$.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #1 - most rare comics

One of the most rare nowadays existing comics is the first edition of well-known "Spiderman" under the name "Amazing Spider-Man #1". Its rarity consists not only in a serial number, but also that for the book of 1963 of the edition it has amazingly well remained. Approximate cost of the comics for collectors, makes about 40 thousand dollars at initial retail price in 12 cents.


Amazing Spider-Man #1

Amazing Spider-Man #1

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Poison Dart Frogs - the most poisonous animals in the world

Phyllobates - the most poisonous animals in the world. Phyllobates is a genus of Poison Dart Frogs which live in woods of Southern and Central America. Difference from other amphibians, Poison Dart Frogs are active only at the day, and at the night they sleep.

As is known, the Bright skin have a dangerous poisonous animals, providing with that safety from predators and caution by the stranger. Poison Dart Frogs and Phyllobates are painted very brightly.

Poison Dart Frogs (Phyllobates)

These frogs are very poisonous. They have the most deadly poison. Especially dangerous Golden Poison Frog ( Phyllobates terribilis ) from Venezuela. This Phyllobate is active in the afternoon too and hunts on small insects, spiders and worms.

Poison dart frogs's skin has microscopic glands which shares poison, it is quite enough to kill a jaguar. This poison consists approximately of hundred different substances. It is one of the strongest poisons in the world. It is so dangerous, that scientists should put on thick gloves to take it in hands as poison can get through any cut or even a scratch. Poison has terrible nervously-paralytic action. As a result there is cardiac arrhythmia, which leader to its stop. That poison has worked, it is enough to get to blood through a mucous membrane or scratch on the skin. That is why these frogs nobody risks to touch, except Indians who grease with the frog poison the hunting arrows.

Poison Dart Frogs (Phyllobates)

Vaccines against poison Poison Dart Frogs it is not invented. It's not possibility to survive after this poison will get to the organism. Each frog makes enough toxin, and one dose can kill at least 10 persons.

Why they have such strong poison, it is not known till now. Other interesting fact connected with these reptiles, consists that Poison Dart Frogs are not sensitive to the poison. Not clearly and the origin of their toxin. Cases when grown up in bondage, Poison Dart Frogs lost their Poison. Probably, any special diet for toxin maintenance in an organism is necessary to them.

Poison Dart Frogs (Phyllobates)Poison Dart Frogs (Phyllobates)Poison Dart Frogs (Phyllobates)Poison Dart Frogs (Phyllobates)

The most effective way of protection is very simple - not to touch these frogs! =)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Everclear - strongest alcoholic drink in the world

Everclear is considered the strongest alcoholic drink. Everclear is grain alcohol, at concentrations 95 % alcohols (190 proofs) and 75.5 % (151 proof). Everclear is made by Luxco. For comparison, vodka in general contain 40 % alcohol (80 proofs), But it's effective knockouter =) Imagine what will do with you Everclear.
Everclear (190 proofs version) is illegal in more than 10 states. For them there is a special 151 proof a variant (75.5 %) to comply with the state low. Advantage of Everclear that it does not contain much sugar and impurity, it may make drinkers less vulnerable to hangover, if you have some kind of diet, Everclear it is what you need =)). Everclear is rarely consumed in the pure state and almost always used in cocktails.

Everclear - strongest alcoholic drink in the world

Everclear - strongest alcoholic drink in the world

I do not know Everclear good or bad, but i know exactly ... it's will be funny =)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Blobfish - most disgusting fish in the world

Blobfish - most disgusting fish in the world. Blobfish inhabit in the deep waters near Australia. Because of that that there where he lives very coldly and darkly, it is seldom noticed by people.
Blobfish are found in depths, where very much a high pressure. The jelly-like flesh of blobfish is little bit less than water; it allows fish to float above a sea floor, not spending energy on swimming.

Blobfish - most disgusting fish in the world

Blobfish don’t need muscles - it sit and wait for something edible to go by or swallow of all that will get before it.

Blobfish - most disgusting fish in the world

Blobfish - most disgusting fish in the world

Blobfish - most disgusting fish in the world

There are some video, but i don't know is this fake or not...

and some very fun video of blobfish =)

see also most loveliest animal

Coffee - the most popular drink in the world

Coffee - the most popular drink in the world. Coffee made of fried grains of a coffee tree. Thanks to the caffeine, has stimulating effect. =)

The coffee name has occurred from Kaffa - areas in the southwest of Ethiopia where, according to one of legends, have been opened properties of this plant.

There are two basic kinds of coffee trees: arabica and robusta (canephora) coffee. About three quarters of world production of coffee is based on arabica (Coffee arabica).

Coffee - the most popular drink in the world

Most popular ways of preparation of coffee
- Turkish
- Espresso
- Glace
- Americano
- Capuchino
- Latte
- Mocco

Coffee - the most popular drink in the world

Regular coffee drinking can cause accustoming. The person dependent on coffee gets used to additional stimulation and refuses to work without caffeine. Coffee can cause a sleeplessness. The teeth of coffe junkies is not white. Coffee possesses diuretic and laxative effect. o_O

Coffee - the most popular drink in the world
But it's not matter, because coffee is too delicious and i can't stop =)

it's amazing...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bee Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world

Bee Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world. Males of the bee hummingbird living on Cuba and on Isla de la Juventud, weigh 1,6g, and their length is 5,7cm, Half of length make a tail and a beak. Females are a bit larger.

They are very mobile, fervent and unaccomodating birds also they are extremely courageous in attacks on the larger birds, especially in period when they care of baby birds.

Bee Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world

They fly extremely fast - up to 80 km/h. They doing to 80 swings in a second. At rest the heart of the hummingbird usually work with frequency of 500 blows in a minute, and during physical activity of 1200 and more beats in a minute. The maximum life expectancy of the hummingbird is 8 years. They eat every ten minutes.

Bee Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world

Skins of the hummingbird are used as an ornament that's why people had exterminated a lot of kinds =(

Bee Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world